Longfeather Book Design Portfolio and Awards
Here is a sampling of our book designs. Each book featured lists a brief synopsis of its contents and usually has a link to the author's website or Amazon.com listing. If you'd like a closer look, including interior page spreads, please click on the cover image for an expanded view.

Cartographer’s Toolkit: Color, Typography, Patterns
by Gretchen N. Peterson
A reference and style guide for cartographers; features color palettes, typography and composition patterns; 170 pages; Peterson GIS.
Author's website

Mission Boy: A Novel of Spanish Jesuits in Chesapeake Bay
by Gilbert Byron
A historical novel of a Spanish Jesuit mission to Chesapeake Bay.
Publisher's website

Brule: The Sioux People of the Rosebud
by Paul Dyck
Historical documents, artwork, essays and letters; 365 pages; Northland Press.
Author's website

The Deep Well of Time: The Transformative Power of Storytelling in the Classroom
by Michael J. Dorer
Engaging classroom manual for storytelling in the Montessori classroom: 394 pages; Parent Child Press.
Publisher Website

John Lemp: The Beer Baron of Boise
by Herman Wiley Ronnenberg
Biography of the influencial beer baron of Southern Idaho; 382 pages; Heritage Witness Press.
Amazon Listing

Traveling Down the Highway with an Educated Goat
by Henry Wayne Poore, M.D.
Volume two of Dr. Poore's memoirs; 163 pages; cover and inside illustrations by Robert Jacobson; Goose River Publications.
Author's website

Pond Hockey: Kita Learns to Skate
by Erik and Robert Jacobson
Our very own children's book; cover and inside illustrations by Robert Jacobson; 40 pages; Dr Puck Publications.
Author's website.

All the Way to Second Street
by Nancy Casey
Memoir; a diary of survival skills and personal growth; 253 pages; Logwood Stone.
Author's Website

The Traveling Tea Ladies: Death in Dallas
by Melane O'Hara
A cozy mystery series for tea-and-fun fans; the first of five popular books in the Traveling Tea Ladies series; 244 pages; Lyons Legacy Publishing.
Publisher's website

Lessons Remembered: Memoirs of an Audacious Country Doctor
by Henry Wayne Poore, M.D.
Personal memoir of a very colorful country doctor; The author has sold more than 2000 copies. 177 pages; cover illustration by Robert Jacobson; Goose River Publications.
Author's website

Anarcho Grow: Pura Vida in Costa Rica
by T.A. Sedlak
Adventure/Social Change; 235 pages; TPKF Publishing.
TPKF Publishing
Author's Website

All Our Love, All Our Life
by the Charney Family
Family gift book; cover and inside illustrations by Robert Jacobson; 78 pages.

Breaking Bread in Galilee: A Culinary Journey into the Promised Land
by Abbie Rosner
Culinary Memoir; Cover image by Tal Gluck; 238 pages; Hilayon Press.
Author's Website
Amazon listing

Grand Canyon: The Story Behind the Scenery
by Merrill D. Beal
State Park Guide; 40 pages; KC Publications.
Publisher's website

Dire Wolf, and other fierce and fanciful works by sculptor George Roberts
by George Roberts
Contemporary art and sculpture/artist biography; 140 pages; Longfeather Press/University of Idaho Press.

by Fritz Scholder
Contemporary Native American Art/Artist Biography; 118 pages; Northland Press. Artist's website

Plants of Zion National Park: Wildflowers, Trees, Shrubs and Ferns
by Ruth Ashton Nelson and Tom Blaue
Botanical guide; 333 pages; Zion Natural History Association.
Publisher's website
Design Awards
Western Heritage art book of the year
Olaf Wieghorst
New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards first place for Spanish Language Book
A Glimpse of the Chihuahuan Desert/Una Vislumbre del Desierto Chihuahuense by Patricia Mihok
Bookbuilders West award of excellence
Lost Wax Bronze Casting by Harry Jackson
Bookbuilders West award of merit
Hang Gliding: the flyingest flying by Don Dedera
Rounce & Coffin Club awards of merit
Al Nestler’s Southwest by Al Nestler
Brule: The Sioux People of the Rosebud by Paul Dyck
John Clymer: An Artist’s Rendezvous With the Frontier West by John Clymer
Color of Horses by Ben Green and Darol Dickinson
George Elbert Burr, 1859—1939 by Louise Combes Seeber
Harmsen’s Western Americana by Dorothy Harmsen and Dick Hilker
James Boren: A Study in Discipline by Dean Fenton Krakel
Joe Beeler Sketchbook by Joe Beeler
Modern Pueblo Pottery: 1880—1960 by Francis Harvey Harlow
The Last Trail Ride Through Downtown Dallas by Ben K. Green
Tom Ryan: A Painter in Four Sixes Country by Dean Fenton Krakel
Without Noise of Arms by Walter Briggs
1877: Plains Indian Sketchbooks of Zo-Tom and Howling Wolf by Zo-Tom and Howling Wolf