How A Book Designer
Works For You
From Manuscript to Finished Book
A book designer transforms an author’s manuscript into a finished book.
To do so, we follow this process when working with an author:
Set a Course
Evaluate the manuscript and brainstorm creation of the book with the author.
Determine a size and shape of the book based on the story and the author’s and printer's requirements.
Prepare the Text
Prepare the manuscript text for clean typesetting by removing all unnecessary spaces, tabs and breaks.
Create a master page layout by setting the trim size, margins, binding edge, bleed and recto-verso pages.
Select a font or fonts that express the story in the author’s voice. Set each line of text throughout the book in a standard pattern with adjustments to letter spacing, line height and hyphenation as needed.
Design Style
Create a consistent style in designing the main text, chapter headers, running headers (with author/chapter/book title/page numbering), images, captions, quotes, lists, icons, end notes, tables, etc.
Front and Back Matter
Design and style a half title page, title page, copyright page, table of contents, dedication and foreword. Roman/Arabic page numbering to separate front matter from the main text. Add any additional back matter, like a glossary, index, author bio or afterword.
Create a Book Cover
Create a book cover that reflects the story and attracts readers. This includes the front cover artwork, title and author's name, a spine with the title, author and publisher's logo, a back cover with a synopsis of the book and the placement of an ISBN bar code.
Image Adjustment
Size, crop, color correct and adjust images so that they are ready for print and tuned into the correct color model.
Each stage is open to feedback from the author. Corrections and revisions are part of the process.
File Creation
Generate a PDF or/and ebook/kindle file based on publication specifications.
The Finished Book
Deliver to the client a professionally-designed book ready to publish.