History Books
More and more historians are now choosing to self-publish their books. Among them is Herman Ronnenberg, who writes about Idaho history. We have designed six books for Dr. Ronnenberg so far, including their e-book versions. Below are some examples of our work for him and for other history writers. In our conversation with him (article continues below examples), he explains why he turned to self-publishing.
John Lemp: The Beer Baron of Boise • Front cover and interior-page spread
Dr. Ronnenberg told us that self-publishing wasn’t his first choice. A regional press accepted one of his earlier books, but things didn’t work out satisfactorily. He said that he might have been satisfied if the book had been published in a timely fashion (it took nearly three years.), if he had been allowed input in editing and book design, and if the publisher had had an effective marketing plan. But none of these things happened. So he decided to self-publish, and soon realized its advantages.
He contacted Longfeather and hired us to design his next book. He also asked us for technical advice in book production and for assistance in dealing with printers. He was pleased to learn that technical advances have brought substantial reductions in printing costs, especially print-on-demand.
Dr. Ronnenberg realizes the value of a designer’s touch on typography, page layouts, photo selection and cover design in making a book a professional production. But he also knows that there’s quite a lot more to it than that. Book design is a computerized operation requiring special skills and experience. And keep in mind that it is a custom-design process—there are no standard templates. Nevertheless good design can be quite affordable, especially if the manuscript is properly prepared and the book’s other elements organized.
Below are some examples of our work. You are invited to contact us for an estimate.
The Disciples of King Gambrinus Voume II: Capitalists and Town Fathers • Front cover and interior-page spread
During the past six years Erik and Bob Jacobson of Longfeather Book Design have designed books, calendars, and brochures for my company. They are knowledgeable, their work is first-rate, reasonably priced, and they are easy to work with. The visual appeal and sophistication of their designs has contributed greatly to our sales.
—Herman Ronnenberg
Early Yuma: A Graphic History of Life on the American Nile • Front cover and interior-page spread
Without Noise of Arms • Front cover and interior-page spread
Photo optimization, before and after samples
From Herman Ronnenbergs, The Disciples of King Gambrinus Volume II: Capitalists and Town Fathers